Joyce Anne Schneider is a former writer at Newsweek who grew up with an absolute passion for books and reading. She is the author of the 6-book EMBRYO medical thriller series, the 4-book police/psychological thrillers featuring NYPD Detective Kerri Blasco, and the standalone thrillers Into the Dark, Girl Watching You, What You’ve Done, Cry to Me, and the History Thriller, Kate Warne’s Sister is Missing..
What led her to writing for Newsweek was previous – and sometimes wild – experience studying in Paris, then being an exchange student in the Soviet Union where she promptly got arrested for spreading anti-Soviet propaganda. She next wound up in a Soviet hospital after falling down a ravine during a hike near Sochi. (To find out more, read here on Goodreads.) She thinks the Soviets were glad to see her leave.
Now things are calmer, if you call writing suspense thrillers calmer. When not writing she’s usually thinking about writing and dreaming up new stories, and can rarely be seen without her trusty laptop. She lives with her family in Connecticut, loves gardening, and is working on her next thriller.
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